Teacher Andy

Andy 老师


Andy graduated from Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore and University of Nottingham, majoring in Chemical Engineering.

He discovered his passion in teaching when he dabbled in part-time tutoring during his studies. Over the years, whilst pursuing tutoring as a part time ordeal, he has had as many as 7 students under his wings. Finally he decided to let go of his full-time engineering job to set up Andy Tutoring.

It is his strongest belief that when interest is cultivated in a child’s learning process, improved results will eventually come along; and this cannot be achieved without a strong rapport between the teacher and the child.

Andy never hesitates to help his students in their every day problems. As a result, many of his students treat him like a big brother or mentor!

Andy 老师毕业于新加坡义安理工学院英国诺丁汉大学的化学工程系。


​Andy 老师的教育理念围绕在学习兴趣和过程。当学生对学习产生兴趣和享受学习的过程时,成绩就会自然紧接在后。除此之外,他也非常看重良好和互相扶持的师生关系。

​除了在学业上的帮助,Andy 老师也非常愿意在学生的身心发展上给与援手。不管是在任何问题上,他都尽所能来帮助学生,学生也很乐意寻找他的协助。不难想象学生把他视为兄长和导师学习和看齐!

Teacher Joseph

Joseph 老师


Teacher Sherlock

Sherlock 老师

teacher b